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Fine and Dandy, Just a Wee Bit Sandy

by The Hometown Tourist on May 3rd, 2011

This year on April 20, 2011,   marked the one year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico.   It’s hard to believe that it was just this time last year that our pristine waters and wildlife of the Emerald Coast were in critical danger.   A year later, residents and businesses are still recovering from the financial devastation of the spill.

Last week, Sandestin Gulf and Beach Resort paid tribute to the beaches of the Gulf of Mexico with this amazing sand sculpture.   See the video of   progress here: Sandestin Resort- Tribute to the Gulf.

Residents and visitors were all amazed by this amazing sand sculpture but no one is amazed that the beaches have beckoned us back once again.

Wish you were here!

-The Hometown Tourist

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