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The Fountain of Youth

by The Hometown Tourist on September 20th, 2010

There is nothing that sends you back to childhood as quick as an ice cream sundae buffet.   I know this because I was quickly transported to age 9 at U-Twirl in Destin, FL last Saturday.   Walking in as the adult, I was trying to figure out the correct protocol for concocting my sundae; identifying the cups, analyzing the flavors, forgiving myself in advance for the indulgence that was about to take place, and rationalizing that because it’s frozen yogurt, it’s not as fattening as ice cream.   I selected the strawberry flavor made with Splenda (a very adult choice), but when I saw the toppings bar, BAHM!   I was suddenly 9-years old again;   big eyes, not considering calorie content in any of the crushed chocolates, and actually considering gummy bears, crushed Oreo’s, syrup, and whipped cream.   There I was with all the kids grabbing at all the ladles and giggling.   We paid for our treats and sat outside to enjoy them.   We had spent the afternoon at the beach so we were all in bathing suits enjoying our post-sun dessert.   I can honestly say that   it was the perfect ending to a perfect day.

On your next visit to Destin, FL, stop by U-Twirl for your bowl of youth.   Your 9-year old self will thank you!

Wish you were here!

-The Hometown Tourist

From → Destin

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